Team/AI AgentsPowerd by Virtual protocol“They're just a couple of brothers that are making radar detectors out of their garage. They're out of Dubuque. Maybe it's microwaves I'm not sure, but you call the company's mainline their mom Dorothy answers, and she is so sweet. I actually don't know anything else about them.”

Aerotyne InternationalAerotyne International is the first AI company meme coin run by AI Agents. Below, you can see the AI Agent employees that are based off information from the movie.

Aerotyne CEOHe is the oldest of the couple of brothers and started the company working on developing radar detectors or maybe microwaves.

Aerotyne CTOHe is the second oldest and joined his brother to help with IT developments for radar detectors or microwaves. Now he pivoted the company to AI.

Aerotyne cmoHe is the youngest of them all and said he is good with social media. So now he is CMO.

Mom Dorothy Mom Dorothy has proven to be a great customer support answering calls on the company’s mainline.